The Third Brigade’s roleplaying online missions are once more underway. Here is the initial set of orders, and a link to sign up:

Operations Order 3BDE 2016-001
Brigade Unit Readiness Exercise

Stardate: 509016.2

I. Situation
The Brigade’s Readiness status is incomplete and out of date.

II. Mission
The 3rd Brigade (3BDE) will conduct a Brigade wide Unit Readiness Exercise. Each unit will report back to the Brigade Commander (via the S2) personnel and equipment status of their respective units so that the Commander will have a clear, up to date understanding of his forces.

III. Execution
Each unit in the 3BDE will:
Establish a secure communications connection with the operations network to be used by their unit representatives.
List quantity and type of heavy equipment issued to and fielded by their unit.
List numbers and duty branch of personnel assigned to their unit.
List Class and unique capabilities of supporting Naval assets to each unit.
Standing Instruction – Provide an update to their inventory within 7 days of it changing.
Acknowledgement of these orders is due by 51416.7. A package with the above information will count as the SITREP for this mission. The information package is due by 52116.7

********** Out of Character Information **********

Real world acknowledgement due by 14 May 2016, 2359L.
SITREP report due = 21 May 2016, 2359L

Unit Representatives need to register for a forum account at Then they need to send an email to the brigade mailing list (or directly to noble[dot]hays[at]gmail[dot]com) confirming their account and which unit they represent so that they can be added to the Unit Leaders group. It is encouraged that all players participating also register an account. Very little of the role play interaction will happen on the brigade mailing list (unless requested, there won’t be an rp specific list). Most will happen on the forum.

Once unit reps are confirmed and added to the group. That person will get instructions for posting their Table of Equipment and answering a few question about how their unit wishes to role play (frequency of orders, number of real people involved, etc). It is my hope to have a variety of mission styles, and send missions to groups that make since for their group’s role play style.

Please use the SFMCA materials, especially the arms and equipment manual for detailing out your equipment lists. I really do not need information lower than the platoon level.

    For units whose chapter/ship wishes to play along, please provide more detail than simply class of starship, unless it is an unmodified canon type (found on Memory Alpha).

Again, I don’t need nitty gritty details, but most ships that have some modifications have some write up as to those already. Again, see the attachment for what I wrote for the USS Battle Born for an idea.

Another key consideration is to please work with your unit and determine just how quickly you can respond to a task. Those that can/want to move more quickly through things might be provided more bite sized tasks to have their results kicked back out, and be included in the updates to other units, while units that need more time will be provided everything in one big lump. I will be limited in how frequent I can respond as well. Once every two weeks is the fastest I can guarantee. I will make an effort to respond more often when I can though.

A date has not been determined for this game. One of the things I want units to input is their preferred era, and their willingness to deal with time travel. That will help me narrow down the several ideas I have for this “season”.

Lt Col Noble “Notsonoble” Hays
3BDE S2 Intelligence Operations

Want to join the brigade roleplay? Talk to your unit rep and join us at