2008 Valor Awards

The following awards were issued at the Third Brigade Muster on 19 July 2008: Cross of Valor (Brigade Marine of the Year) Joy Fink 321st MSG Sword of Valor (Brigade Officer of the Year): Bill Downs 321st MSG Shield of Valor (Brigade Volunteer of the Year): Kenneth Norris 308th MSG Star of Valor (Brigade NCO

2008 Brigade Awards

Per the 2008 4th issue of Fleet Channels: The following awards were issued at the Brigade Muster in July 2008 in Waco, Texas: Naval Unit Citation: USS Aurora Vulcanus USS Joan of Arc Naval Achievement Citation: Clint Hill, USS Ark Angel Dixie Hill, USS Ark Angel Community Service Commendations: Christopher O’Bannion, 314MSG/2BN Cathey Osbourne, 314MSG/2BN