2014 Brigade Achievement Award

As Brigade Officer in Charge, it gives me great pleasure to extend to the following members of the Brigade Staff, in recognition of service to the Brigade, the Third Brigade Achievement Award:

Marine Captain Kelly Hays, 340th MEU

Marine Captain Aaron Jones, 301st MSG

In November 2014, the technical and challenging feats of updating and transferring the Brigade Website (www.3bde.org – in case you didn’t know) took place.

On November 4, both Marines worked late into the night to make sure this migration, not only of the website but of the email lists as well, was completed in a smooth and timely fashion.

I cannot think of a better service to the Brigade than the continued uninterrupted service and improvement of our communications between units.

Given by my hand this day, November 6, 2014.3bde_logo-clearbg-150

Edward C. Tunis III
Major General, SFMC
OIC, Third Brigade